Traducere realizată cu pasiune de domnișoara Pîrlăgeanu Amalia, studentă la Facultatea de Litere, Istorie și Teologie, Secția Română-Engleză a Universității de Vest Timișoara, căreia îi mulțumim pentru activitatea desfășurată.
Of the Beba-Veche Commune, Timiș County
Beba-Veche Commune in dates and numbers:
Surface: 9404.46
Population: 1562 (1.07.2018 update)
Residence: Beba-Veche commune
Number of the settlements:
3 villages:
Population density: 5.7 population/kmp
Mayor: ing. Ioan Bohancanu
Town Hall Center: Beba-Veche nr. 292 postal code 307035
Phone/fax: 0256-385501
Leadership data:
Bohancanu Ioan- mayor living in Beba-Veche Commune, Pordeanu Village
Bican Aurelian Crăciun- deputy living in Beba Veche Commune, Cherestur Village
Giuroescu Sorin Manuel- secretary living in Beba Veche Commune, Beba Veche Village
Sofran Nicolae - accountant living in Dudeștii Vechi Commune
Settlement and geographical limits:
Beba-Veche Commune it is located in the West side of the Timiș County of Romania, at the frontier with Serbia and the Republic of Hungary.
Geographical coordinates:
•20021’ eastern longitude.
•46009’ north latitude.
The Republic of Hungary Cheglevici Village, Dudeștii-Vechi Village Valcani Village, Dudeștii-Vechi Village Serbia
Access ways towards commune are exclusively the County Road DJ 682 Beba-Veche – Sânnicolau Mare (32 km). The closest railroad is Dudeștii-Vechi Train Station at 26 km.
The distance to Timișoara City is 101 km.
Cenad Pike it is at the administrative limit of communes Beba-Veche and Cenad (8 km) for the frontier with The Republic of Hungary and Valcani Pike, 18 km on the communal road DC2 Beba-Veche – Valcani.
The climate:
Beba-Veche commune is dominated by a temperate continental moderate climate with Mediterranean influences, because it can be found at the shelter of the Carpathian chain that stops cold air masses from the north and northwest and allows the entry of the hot air masses from the southwest and west. Under these influences the winters are milder than in the rest of the country, the thermal winter temperature is positive (0,30C).
The average annual temperature is 10,80C.
The average multiannual rainfall quantity is 536,5 mm, the most abundant amount of rainfall come down in May and June (23-25% of the average annual quantity). The pluviometric oscillations are big enough from year to year, being within the limit of 250 mm, especially in the first part of the vegetation period, the agricultural crops suffers from excess of humidity, and in the second part of the period starting with August , the humidity is insufficient.
The relief:
The Beba-Veche Commune is located in the Torontal plain, at an average altitude of 80m, the main feature of the ground is a very good quality, being formed mainly of chernozem, lacquers and gleaming soils, formed in low field conditions, poorly drained, where the groundwater is at a low depth. Also, it can be found in the form of strips, patches or larger areas of salty soils and salt. Following the analyzes, the Beba-Veche Commune has been framed by the Agro-Pedological Study Office (OSPA) Timiș in the fertility class III.
The archaeological researches has revealed the existence of human settlements, lively inhabited by agricultural tribes of the Neolithic age, starting with the 5th millennium b.Ch.. The same researches conducted in Dudeștii-Vechi area allowed the discovery of a settlement and a Dacian necropolis on the Cherestur Village teritory, which proves that Geto-Dacian tribes from this part of Dacia were in synchronous progress with those from the East of the county.
The first oficial mention of the Beba-Veche Commune dates from 1247, in a chronicle from the time of King Bella the Second, chronicle which is kept in the History Museum of Cluj.
Documentary entries attest the founding of a Church with the patronage „The Holy Martyr of God” in the 1746.
The geographic position has led, after the Austrian-Turkish war ended with the conquest of the Timișoara on 10.18.1716, to the passage of the Habsburg Empire, of the entire Banat through the The Passarowitz Peace Treaty (21.07.1718). Interested in getting as much income as possible in the new province, known by the name of Banatul Timisan, the imperial administration initiated a series of measures including mulberries planting for growing silkworm, generalization of potato cultivation, etc. And a vast colonization action is being initiated, with the majority of German origin. In the Beba-Veche Commune has arrived a number of about 300 families, during the second phase of colonization known by the name The Terezian Stage (1740-1780) after the name of the Maria Tereza empress. The immigrants known by the name Swabians, most of them peasants and craftsmen, have contributed greatly to the commune development, through the ability to work, the organizational spirit and organization.
After the establishment of the Austro-Hungarian dualism in 1867, the commune administration was provided by the Court` servants. Among others, is being sought the loss of the cultural identity of the Romanians in the commune, by imposing the Magyarization of the name and the surname. This state of things lasted till after the First World War, when between March 25.1921-April 10.1924, the commune was under the serbian administration, situation reglated by a frontier correction.
By Law No. 2/1968 on administrative organization of the RSR territory is it established that, Beba-Veche, Timiș county, is a commune composed of 3 villages: Beba-Veche, Cherestur and Pordeanu, a situation that exist till today.
The economy:
The main area of the economy is agriculture, section that ensures the work of over the 60% of the commune’s inhabitants. Also, the commercial companies in the city of Sânnicolau Mare assimilates almost all people who are able to work with the ages under 45 years old, for the qualification in the field of cable production for export.
The administration of the Beba-Veche Commune:
Starting with year 1989 till now, the Beba-Veche Commune was administrated by the following mayors:
Name and surname Party The year of appointment The year of leaving the office
ARDELEAN IOAN - 1990 1990
In the exercise of their attributions in terms of administration, they have been helped by the following vice-mayors:
(it is mentioned that the function of the vice-mayor has not have continuity, existing periods of time in which , due to legislative provisions, it hasn’t been included any person)
Name and surname Party The year of appointment The year of leaving the office
Another position in the town hall is the secretary, and it was occupied as it follows:
Name and surname The year of appointment The year of leaving the office
GIUROESCU SORIN 1990 In office
The situation of the population and housing census from 2002:
In the Beba-Veche commune, in the year of 2002 it has been confirmed the following situation on the inhabited buildings:
Beba-Veche Village 423
Cherestur Village 179
Pordeanu Village 38
Commune total 640
In terms of people, the structure based on nationality is:
TOTAL From which:
Romanians Hungarians Gypsies Other nationality
Beba-Veche Village 1036 857 140 19 20
Cherestur Village 477 83 379 11 4
Pordeanu Village 75 21 54 0 0
TOTAL 1588 961 573 30 24
Also, based on gender, there is 786 men and 825 women:
The situation of the land fund by the owners:
Owner: Surface (ha)
Town Hall 242.05
Communal Pasture 542.23
Agricultural commercial companies 5182.00
Family Association 1672.00
Private Owners 1750.00
Other Owners 16.60
Total 9404.46
Enforcement of the Law No. 18/1991 in the Beba-Veche Commune was made through the reconstruction of the property right for a number of 625 people and through the formation of the property right for 244 beneficiaries ( young families, cooperating members who worked in CAP, agricultural specialists, other people who have requested land).
Were put under possession 3915.93 ha, as it follows:
· Beba-Veche 2372.72
· Cherestur 1072.19
· Pordeanu 471.02
The registry activity is executed by the Town Hall` secretary, mainly consisting of drafting the documents, issuing certificates, reports, etc. And is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions.
In the commune between 01.01.1924-12.31.2018 were recorded the following documents:
Birth acts= 1131 from which 4 adoptions
Marriage acts= 243
Death acts= 2995.
Sport activity:
From the sports point of view, Beba-Veche Commune has an amateur football team, „Triplex” Beba-Veche is active in the County Championship.
Art and culture:
The cultural activity in the commune take place in two comunity centers, one in Beba-Veche- completely restored in 2006 and the other one in Cherestur which was proposed to form itself as a conference center of the micro-region Beba-Veche - Sânnicolau Mare-Mako – Novi Knejevat. Also, is funded two libraries (the school library and the communal library) with a book fund of over 12.000 volumes.
Tourist spots:
By geographical location, the Beba-Veche Commune is a unic point, the most western of the country, the place where „the roosters are heard singing from 3 countries”. At the intersection point of the frontiers it can pe found a monument, Triplex Confinium, that represent the starting point of the Romania. At the same time, as historical monument attested are a peasant household specific to the years of 1900, the Orthodox Church from Beba-Veche(1746), and two bridges over the Aranca brook (18th century).
Here, at the end of the month in May, is being held a cross-border youth meeting known by the name „Open Gates”, with the participation of the neighbouring communes from Serbia and Hungary, occasion with which are opened temporarely the borders for the passenger traffic.